Monday, July 15, 2013


My husband and I got married 13 years ago today.  Back then, Ric was a healthy, talkative 1 year old. When we took our marriage vows, we never thought  that the "in sickness and in health" part would ever pertain to one of our children.  For whatever reason, we always think of those vows as between husband and wife. We don't think that those are the same vows we basically take when we have children.

I have heard many horror stories of husbands who leave their families when a child gets diagnosed with a  serious illness. I always think to myself those have to be the biggest assholes on Earth! This was a huge concern for me when Ric got sick. During the first days of Evans I often thought, holy crap is this going to put so much stress in our lives that it will end up breaking our marriage? It is a reality in so many other households, why would we be spared?

So far, so good. Josh has been my rock. He has been there for me for better and the worst! He gives me space when I need to vent, cry, yell, about how unfair it is for Ric to have such a thing. He understands that I am in a constant state of alert and stress. He doesn't throw it in my face, he just deals with me and comforts me when dark thoughts come to mind. He puts me in perspective real quick and reminds me every day that we are moving forward in the right direction.

I solemnly swore years ago to have and to hold you, for better or worse, for richer for poorer, in sickness and in health, to love, honor and cherish you til death us do part! Now, that applies to both Josh and the kids! It is amazing how perspective changes as life changes. The one constant always being love and forward movement!

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