Friday, January 24, 2014


I don't think there is a better pic to describe how, we as parents, feel dealing with this shit we call Evans.

Ric's numbers are good. We have 3.1 wbc, 1800 neutrophils, 14.8 hemoglobin and a whopping 138,000 platelets! Whoohooo!!! Our Dr is happy with the numbers! Until I ask "how long till the chemo effects get out of his body and we start all over again?" 

Even though, I keep a positive outlook I still kind of live waiting for the other shoe to drop and waiting for shit to hit the fan again. Which, I know is not healthy. However, I don't think any parent of any sick child ever stops feeling this way.

Here's the latest scoop on Ric. The chemo treatment he finished in June killed all his B cells. The B cells are in charge of creating antibodies in your body. Antibodies help us fight the common cold, pneumonia etc. In Ric's body, B cells are also responsible for the evil antibody creation, which kills his good cells. Well, chemo killed all those B cells. Now, the B cells are growing back, which means we need to watch for the evil ones. Back in Nov he had 10% of B cell production. We are checking his B cell numbers again in the next 8 weeks.  His prednisone got dropped to 1mg/day, so he is basically unprotected if his body decides to create evil antibodies again.

I take comfort in knowing that, if shit hits the fan, this time around it won't catch us by surprise. This time around we all know what to look for. My mom said to me the other day "woman, those antibodies don't want to mess with you!". All I'm thinking is, I know I will get the energy to deal with it, if they decide to show up, but I really don't want to deal with it. I don't want Ric to deal with that again. I don't want my family to deal with that again. However, that is our new reality. HIS new reality. OUR new reality!

No matter how many dips on the road, forward movement is necessary to get to our goal....remission!  

To the evil antibodies I say this: Stay away cause you won't know what hit you if you mess with my boy, again!

1 comment:

  1. I didnt know to even ask about B cells. Theres another topic for discussion at my daughters next hemoc appt. Thank you for sharing your inside world of Evans. I think your picture is perfect.
