It was very stressful walking into tests this morning. Ric leaves Sunday to spend the Summer in Puerto Rico. I needed good numbers to make peace with this whole situation.
Dr Eslin, as usual, was amazing. He gave us a letter explaining Ric's case and with his cell phone number in case PR doctors need to get a hold of him. He included Ric's last cbc and will email me today's results so I can take those too.
He also said "it's almost a year since rituximab treatment (chemo)". Yep! That was one anniversary I could live without anyone reminding me. By this time last year, we were rushing Ric to the hospital because he was having some type of reaction to treatment. Hives! I wish I could delete that off my mind.
The visitor sticker they give me every time we go there is the picture of the day we first started dealing with Dr. Eslin when we still thought we were dealing with cancer. I hadn't even thought about the damn picture until today when he reminded me. OMG! I have aged so much in a year! You can see behind the forced smile that my soul was crushed.
But, here we are a year later and his numbers are great! I love Dr. Eslin, Dr. Nielsen and their crews. They treat us all with so much love and knowledge ;)
I hope Ric has a fantastic Summer in PR. I know he is looking forward to it. I hope I survive it!