We are 5 days away from Ric's next CBC test and 9 days away from going on vacation!!! I don't know which I am looking more forward to. Well, let's not kid ourselves! Definitely the CBC. We need good numbers so I can actually enjoy our vacation. The last thing I want is for shit to hit the fan while we are in the mountains, in the middle of nowhere, no Dr. Nielsen, no Dr. Eslin, no Arnold Palmer Hospital. I hope the evil antibodies take a vacation too and leave us be for a bit.
Ric has been feeling great! His face is back to normal. There's no more moon shape, swollen face from the steroids. His dose is so low (1/2mg/day), thank God! Last time we did tests his numbers were normal. Normal normal, not Ric normal. We couldn't believe it, but it did happen! I am crossing fingers that this time around they are good too!
I just don't want to see too big of a drop because there is no way in hell I would leave town if his numbers are super low. Which would suck, big time, because it is not fair for the rest of the family. But, what do you do? Risk it? Assume we'll find a hospital that can help us if anything happens? THIS CONTROL FREAK??? Nope! THIS control freak would need to stay here. At the end of the day, we will do whatever the doctor says we should do, which will hopefully be GO HAVE FUN!!
5 days....5 days to answers. Waiting sucks ass!